== ENG==

The mountain is alive! Many stones fall down and just want to take your beloved home with them.

Throw intruders off the platform until the rockfall ends.


WASD - movement

SPASE - kick

== RU ==

Гора живая! Множество камней падает вниз и так и хотят прихватить с собой ваш любимый дом. 

Сбрасывайте незваных гостей с платформы до тех пор пока не окончится камнепад.


WASD - движение

SPASE - пинок

Jam team HALS - Hypes Active Lazy Seals

Anton Prozin - GD, Lead

Ilya Grigorev - programming

Denis Demyanov - art, animations

Daniil Kobelkov  @dad_ex - art, UI


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It's very simple but addictive game! It is simply impossible to break away, the excitement is very great to throw everyone off the platform